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- Muravej on Aquariums
- Andrew on Aquariums
- Muravej on Preparing all day for the presentation
- AdelaideBen on Preparing all day for the presentation
- Muravej on Lazy second day in Hatsushima
- AdelaideBen on Lazy second day in Hatsushima
- Muravej on Happy Birthday, Mariya, on the One-month Old Birthday
- Sonia Sharmin on Happy Birthday, Mariya, on the One-month Old Birthday
- Muravej on Welcome home, Mariya
- AdelaideBen on Welcome home, Mariya
Category Archives: Daily life
Mariya’s birthday party
Mariya’s birthday was October 15, but today, Saturday, I invited my parents to have a birthday party with them . I saw my parents at Kofu station at 1 PM and took them to our apartment. I quickly went to a Chinese restaurant, Manpuku Roh, to take out dinner. The taste was OK. Then all of us went out for Takeda Shrine. A cameraman was waiting for us to take pictures of us in a small park nearby. After taking photos, I took my parents back to Kofu station. My mother will come to visit us for helping us with moving out from the apartment after my visit to … Continue reading
Posted in Apartment, Daily life, Liesure, Mariya, Restaurant
Tagged apartment, birthday, birthday party, Chinese restaurant, dinner, Kofu station, Manpuku Roh, Mariya, mother, parents, San Francisco, Takeda Shrine
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Passport application for Mariya
Katya had taken Mariya’s photos. I chose one of the files and clipped her face out for her passport. I made a JPG file out of it and took it to a photo shop around 4 PM. The shop owner received it and made two prints. I took them to the passport center with the documents I had prepared. They received the documents with no problem except they wanted to know Katya’s cell phone number. “We will call her later.” “I can help you. My wife’s Japanese is not perfect.” “It is OK. We will call her later.” Right after I left the counter, one of them called Katya, “Do … Continue reading
Posted in Daily life, Katya, Mariya, Not classified
Tagged contact lens, Katya, Mariya, office, ophthalmological clinic, passport, passport center
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Two lectures today; one of them finished
Today is Tuesday, when I have two lectures to teach. The first one is for graduate students starting at 9 AM. This class is shared by three professors including me. I finished my last 7th tern, so I will not teach this class from next week. In the afternoon, I am instructing undergraduate students in practical electronics. This class is not exciting, but students are steadily learning. Anyway, Tuesdays will be easier.
Posted in Daily life, teaching
Tagged class, graduate student, lecture, professor, undergraduate student
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Preparing for the meeting on Friday
For my scientific project, I am holding general meetings three times a year. The next meeting will be scheduled on this Friday in my institute; I started preparing for this. I checked the attendees. There will be nearly 30 people. Four officials are coming from a government organization. To all of them, I have sent the schedules. I have also sent the report I prepared last week. I planned the arrangement of the room, and I rechecked the party after the meeting. I hope that everything goes well on Friday.
Posted in Daily life, Science and Technology
Tagged attendee, government organization, institute, meeting, official, party, project, report, schedule
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Tiring Sunday by cleaning up around the apartments
I normally wake up late on Sunday mornings, but today, before 7 AM as usual, because there was scheduled a clean-up around the apartments by the residents themselves; there are a lot of these occasions in Japan. The cleaning started at 8 AM. We cleaned the ditch and took off weeds. We made up piles of bags filled with weeds. I took a shower again. For lunch, we walked down Takeda Street. We arrived at a Nepali restaurant, “New Mahal“, where Katya took a ladies’ set and I a lunch buffet. Mariya was a good girl as usual. I wish that the buffet curries were more spicy. After coming … Continue reading
Posted in Apartment, Daily life, Katya, Mariya, Maya-san, Restaurant
Tagged apartment, Katya, Mariya, Maya-san, Nepali restaurant, New Mahal, resident, Sunday, Takeda street
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Mariya’s stuffy nose
In the late afternoon, Katya and I took Mariya to see an otorhinolaryngologist, because Mariya has a cold and has a stuffy nose. Mariya was treated at the hospital and her nose was cleared. The doctor told us how to clear the nose, and we bought a tube for it. In the afternoon, I cleaned Mariya’s nose. It seems that she is feeling better.
Posted in Daily life, Katya, Mariya, Not classified
Tagged doctor, hospital, Katya, Mariya, otorhinolaryngologist
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Mariya crawls
Mariya is getting good at crawling. Katya showed her on skype to her parents using iPhone. She came and bit the string attached to my camera. She likes strings and cords these days.
Posted in Daily life, Katya, Mariya
Tagged camera, iPhone, Katya, Mariya, parents, skype
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Submitting a report and making an instrument
Yesterday, after the seminar, I received a response from the governmental office telling me that they are not allowed to download files from free storage sites. It is reasonable, so I made the file separated into three and sent them by e-mail first. An officer said the report was fine, so I print it out, signed on it, and sent it by mail. A researcher came from Shimadzu. We worked on our instrument under development.
Posted in Daily life, Science and Technology
Tagged e-mail, governmental office, instrument, officer, report, researcher, response, seminar, Shimadzu
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Seminar and meeting in Tokyo
I continued copying and pasting. At 2 AM, a mail arrived from a Mexican friend working for a French university; he invited me to the defense of his Chinese PhD student, and the date of defense was decided on September 18th. So I will visit France in September. I finished the report at 4 AM. I uploaded the file to a free storage site and sent the url to the governmental institute asking to download it to check. I came back home, took Maya-san for a morning walk, and left for Tokyo for a seminar of a graphic software I am using. I slept in the train. I got off … Continue reading
Posted in Apartment, Daily life, Maya-san, Real estate business, Restaurant, Science and Technology, teaching, Trip
Tagged apartment, Chinese, defense, France, friend, Hamamatsu-cho, Honan-cho, Kobe Rampu-tei, mail, Maya-san, meeting, Mexican, Mielparque Tokyo, NakaochiaiKofu, PhD, real-estate managing company, seminar, Starbucks, student, Tokyo, train, university, walk, Zojo-ji
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