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- Andrew on Aquariums
- Muravej on Preparing all day for the presentation
- AdelaideBen on Preparing all day for the presentation
- Muravej on Lazy second day in Hatsushima
- AdelaideBen on Lazy second day in Hatsushima
- Muravej on Happy Birthday, Mariya, on the One-month Old Birthday
- Sonia Sharmin on Happy Birthday, Mariya, on the One-month Old Birthday
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- AdelaideBen on Welcome home, Mariya
Category Archives: Shops
ARROWS smartphone
In the morning, I called to “au shop Kofu Arakawa”. They said there was no iPhone to give to me, but there was one Android. In the afternoon, I went to the shop to borrow it. The lady in the shop kindly explained to me how to use the smartphone. It says “ARROWS” on the face of it. At the first touch, this machine seemed boring to me, but I need to call, anyway. Then I went to see an ophthalmologist for my contact lenses. Unfortunately, my type was not equipped, so I will go get them on Saturday.
Posted in Daily life, Not classified, Shops
Tagged Android, ARROWS, au shop, contact lens, iPhone, ophthalmologist, smartphone
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Sunday shopping
In the afternoon, Katya, Mariya and I went out for shopping leaving Maya-san home. We dropped at a public parking lot to see roses around the fences. Then we went to an au shop, a telephone company to talk about my broken iPhone; there is no AppleStore in Kofu. I had called to Apple, and the operator told me that with the number he gave me, I was able to borrow an iPhone at any au shop. The man at the au shop told me that he knew nothing about this system and that he could not do anything for me. Nothing can I do, either. I have to call … Continue reading
Posted in Daily life, Katya, Liesure, Mariya, Maya-san, Restaurant, Shops
Tagged Apple, AppleStore, aquarium, au, buffet, dinner, Fish Land Ishihara, IKatya, iPhone, Kofu, Mariya, Maya-san, Nishimatsu Ya, Yumura Hotel
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iPhone and bottles
I was busy today with two lectures. In the evening, I was running out for a meeting. I jumped and broke my iPhone 5 I bought with Katya last December. I did not know that the screen was so fragile. Other than the screen, it worked, but I need to replace it to a new one, anyway. I got shocked. After I came back home, we had deliveries. BODY SHOP bottles from the director of our institute, for whom we held a party for his awards. Wines I bought at “Tomi no Oka” on Sunday. I am looking forward to trying them.
Posted in Apartment, Daily life, Katya, Not classified, Shops
Tagged BODY SHOP, director, institute, iPhone 5, Katya, lecture, meeting, Tomi no Oka, wine
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Tomi no Oka on Sunday
It is Sunday today. There is a Suntory Winery, “Tomi no Oka” on the hill of Kai City next to Kofu. Katya and I went there for lunch with Mariya. We passed by the winery to the restaurant. There were not so many cars. We walked to the restaurant. At the restaurant, “Wine Terrace“, we took seats outside. Katya and Mariya sat in the shadow under a tree. From the tree, a snake of a meter and a half dropped down by them! The snake was let go, and Katya changed the seat. Katya had fish and I had beef. Eating out under a blue sky was pleasant. … Continue reading
Posted in cooking, Daily life, Katya, Liesure, Mariya, Restaurant, Shops, Trip
Tagged Chinese, Kai City, Katya, Kofu, Koshu, Manpuku Roh, Mariya, member, Muscat Belly A, Muscat Belly A Rose, Natchan!, restaurant, Suntory Winery, Tomi no Oka, Wine Terrace
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May 6, 2013: Holiday in lieu
Yesterday, it was Sunday and Children’s Day; therefore, today is a holiday in lieu. While Katya did chores around the house in the morning, I took Mariya to Takeda Shrine. It is only a fifteen-minute walk from our apartment. We walked up Takeda Street. We passed across the bridge over the moat around the shrine. We went up the stone steps to pass the outer entrance. A pair of stone dogs guard the shrine at the entrance. We proceeded to the inner entrance. On the left was a well for purifying hands (you can drink water, too). We arrived at the inner gate to the front shrine. People were praying. … Continue reading
Posted in Apartment, Daily life, Katya, Liesure, Mariya, Maya-san, Restaurant, Shops
Tagged apartment, Children's Day, Chinese restaurant, Daisenji, Jin, Katya, Manpuku Roh, Mariya, Maya-san, noh theater, Takeda Shrine, Takeda street
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Back with Maya-san to Kofu
Today is Greenery Day. I wanted to get up late, but woke up at 5 AM because of the paper screen used in the room, which let the sun light in. I had breakfast with my parents. Katya decided not to come because of Mariya being tired after the trip. With Maya-san, I drove by Lake Suwa. On the way, I dropped by a rest area “Shinshu Tsutakijuku“. I took a bowl of Soba noodle. There was a small garden behind. On the riverside, people were camping. Maya-san is a hole digger. I bought a bottle of apple juice, a cheese cake, and blueberry jam for Katya. After … Continue reading
Posted in Apartment, cooking, Daily life, Katya, Liesure, Mariya, Maya-san, Restaurant, Shops, Trip
Tagged Greenery Day, Katya, Lake Suwa, Mariya, Maya-san, parents, Shinshu Tsutakijuku
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Second day in Odaiba, May 2, 2012
Mariya woke up and up during the midnight, but we survived. We went to breakfast at Georgetown. Mariya behaved nicely as usual. Very fortunately, it was fine today in the morning. I took a picture of Katya and Mariya in front of Tokyo Bay Ariake Washington Hotel, where we stay in. Then we started walking to the center of Odaiba. Katya knows Odaiba well. She took us to Aqua City Odaiba. We looked around shops inside. Mariya was becoming tires, so we had a quick lunch at Burger KING. After lunch, I started holding Mariya in front of me. We took Yurikamome Line to go back to the … Continue reading
Posted in Daily life, Katya, Liesure, Mariya, Maya-san, Restaurant, Shops, Trip
Tagged Aqua City Odaiba, Burger KING, Georgetown, Katya, Mariya, Maya-san, Natalia, Odaiba, Sizzler, skype, Tokyo Bay Ariake Washington Hotel, Yurikamome
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Blog restarted: Business trip to Tokyo and Mariya six months old
I have been happy but sleepy with Mariya. These days, I got used to the situation, so I restart my blog. This morning, I had a beef-bowl breakfast at Yoshinoya near Kofu Station; the price of a bowl was lowered to 280 yen because of the increase in beef imported from USA after the BSE issue. Taste was good. Then I took a train first to a company in Kanda, Tokyo, to discuss a computer simulation of the results of my project. It seems that we will be able to write a good joint paper. The company is now improving their own simulation program using our data. They are planning … Continue reading
Posted in Apartment, Daily life, Katya, Mariya, Real estate business, Science and Technology, Shops
Tagged apartment, beef bowl, blog, company, Kanda, Kofu station, Mariya, Myorenji, project, real estate, Shinjuku Station, Takano Fruits Parlor, Tokyo, USA, Yoshinoya
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Mariya’s baby car and baby seat
We bought a baby car for Mariya, which arrived yesterday. It is rainy today, so we used it inside the apartment. Katya was asleep, while I was watching Mariya. Maya-san was sleeping on a legless chair by me. In the evening, we went to Toys”R”Us. Mariya came with us on a baby seat a colleague of mine had given us. It was Mariya’s first trial of the seat. Mariya accepted the chair. Katya was shopping in Toy”R”Us, and Mariya and I stayed in the car. With a baby chair and a baby seat, our activity areas are now elongated.
Posted in Apartment, Daily life, Katya, Mariya, Maya-san, Not classified, Shops
Tagged apartment, baby car, baby seat, colleague, Katya, legless chair, Mariya, Maya-san, Toys"R"Us
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Mom and Dad coming to Kofu and Mariya’s spoon
Right after her birth, my parents naturally wanted to meet Mariya. Today’s Sunday and they are coming to Kofu by train. I arrived at Kofu station at 11 AM. In the department store “Eclan” by the station, I looked for something for lunch. I bought two large packs of take-out sushi at Kyodaru. There is a wine shop, and I bought a bottle of Kofu wine for my parents and one non-alcoholic for me and Katya. I left sushi and wine bottles in the car, and went to the ticket gate of the station to see my parents. There was a campaign of Aizu district in Fukushima to invite tourists. … Continue reading
Posted in Apartment, Daily life, Katya, Liesure, Mariya, Shops, Vladivostok
Tagged Aizu, Akabe, birth, Eclan, Fukushima, institute, Katya, Kofu, Kofu station, Kyodaru, Mariya, Natalia, office buildingapartment, parents, silver spoon, sushi, train
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