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- AdelaideBen on Lazy second day in Hatsushima
- Muravej on Happy Birthday, Mariya, on the One-month Old Birthday
- Sonia Sharmin on Happy Birthday, Mariya, on the One-month Old Birthday
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- AdelaideBen on Welcome home, Mariya
Category Archives: Not classified
Passport application for Mariya
Katya had taken Mariya’s photos. I chose one of the files and clipped her face out for her passport. I made a JPG file out of it and took it to a photo shop around 4 PM. The shop owner received it and made two prints. I took them to the passport center with the documents I had prepared. They received the documents with no problem except they wanted to know Katya’s cell phone number. “We will call her later.” “I can help you. My wife’s Japanese is not perfect.” “It is OK. We will call her later.” Right after I left the counter, one of them called Katya, “Do … Continue reading
Posted in Daily life, Katya, Mariya, Not classified
Tagged contact lens, Katya, Mariya, office, ophthalmological clinic, passport, passport center
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Mariya’s stuffy nose
In the late afternoon, Katya and I took Mariya to see an otorhinolaryngologist, because Mariya has a cold and has a stuffy nose. Mariya was treated at the hospital and her nose was cleared. The doctor told us how to clear the nose, and we bought a tube for it. In the afternoon, I cleaned Mariya’s nose. It seems that she is feeling better.
Posted in Daily life, Katya, Mariya, Not classified
Tagged doctor, hospital, Katya, Mariya, otorhinolaryngologist
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Mariya’s Passport
In the morning, I took the Chinese roast pork out from the pot. They seemed to be well done. For Mariya’s passport, I went to the city hall in the evening. The building was fully renewed this year. I received Mariya’s resident proof. After the city hall, I went to the prefecture passport center. The office was closing, so I only received the application forms. I went to a DIY shop, D2, to change the battery of my watch, but they only accept watches they have sold. So I drove to “Yamako Department Store” in front of Kofu Station. On the first floor, there was a small watch shop, … Continue reading
Posted in cooking, Daily life, Mariya, Not classified
Tagged Chinese roast pork, city hall, D2, Kofu station, Mariya, office, passport, passport center, Yamako
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ARROWS smartphone
In the morning, I called to “au shop Kofu Arakawa”. They said there was no iPhone to give to me, but there was one Android. In the afternoon, I went to the shop to borrow it. The lady in the shop kindly explained to me how to use the smartphone. It says “ARROWS” on the face of it. At the first touch, this machine seemed boring to me, but I need to call, anyway. Then I went to see an ophthalmologist for my contact lenses. Unfortunately, my type was not equipped, so I will go get them on Saturday.
Posted in Daily life, Not classified, Shops
Tagged Android, ARROWS, au shop, contact lens, iPhone, ophthalmologist, smartphone
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Work on Saturday
In the morning, there were presentations by nine Ph.D students. They did well. All the teachers and students showed themselves including me. In the afternoon, I went to see an otorhinolaryngologist to have my nose checked. On the way back, I filled up the tank of mini, too. After coming back to my office, I was discussing with a student of mine, who is in the second grade of a master course. He is having hard times finding employment next spring after his graduation. In Japan, students look for employment during their school days, and start working right after the graduation. If they cannot find a job before graduation, it could … Continue reading
Posted in Daily life, Not classified, teaching
Tagged employment, graduation, mini, otorhinolaryngologist, Ph.D student, presentation, school, student, teacher
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iPhone and bottles
I was busy today with two lectures. In the evening, I was running out for a meeting. I jumped and broke my iPhone 5 I bought with Katya last December. I did not know that the screen was so fragile. Other than the screen, it worked, but I need to replace it to a new one, anyway. I got shocked. After I came back home, we had deliveries. BODY SHOP bottles from the director of our institute, for whom we held a party for his awards. Wines I bought at “Tomi no Oka” on Sunday. I am looking forward to trying them.
Posted in Apartment, Daily life, Katya, Not classified, Shops
Tagged BODY SHOP, director, institute, iPhone 5, Katya, lecture, meeting, Tomi no Oka, wine
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Abstracts for San Francisco and Columbo
Today is Monday. I had to check e-mails to answer to the requests. Besides, three of my students sent me abstracts for a conference in San Francisco scheduled at the end of October. I discussed with them and they finished writing. The submission deadline is Friday. I came back home and watched Columbo on TV. Columbo is always nice to watch. I do not like CSI in which too many murders happen to show dead bodies.
Posted in Daily life, Not classified, teaching
Tagged abstract, Columbo, conference, CSI, deadline, e-mail, San Francisco, student, submission, TV
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Mariya’s inspection and Answer sheet submission
In the morning, I woke up at 3 AM to finish the answers to the judges of my project. I need to submit the answer sheet today. In the afternoon, Katya and I took Mariya to Nagasaka Clinic for her one-month inspection. Mariya was very healthy, although she cried because she became hungry after the wait. Katya and I felt somewhat tired, too. I asked the doctor whether we can take Mariya for a trip. He said OK if we use a baby seat. We have one; we could go on a trip next week. After the inspection, I came back to my office. I submitted my answer sheet. I hope … Continue reading
Posted in Daily life, Katya, Mariya, Not classified, Science and Technology
Tagged answer sheet, doctor, inspection, judge, Katya, Mariya, Nagasaka Clinic, office, trip
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Saturday evening
It is Saturday today. Usually, I work in my office until 7 PM. Today, however, I came back home at 3 PM after going to see a doctor for my nose. With Maya-san and Mariya, Katya and I went out for a walk together for the second time. Then Katya went out alone for shopping and a haircut; Mariya’s first visit to the shrine is scheduled for tomorrow, after one month of her birth, and my parents are coming for it. I was playing with Mariya while Katya was out. After a couple of hours, Mariya seemed uneasy and started crying. I understood that she was hungry. I started making … Continue reading
Mariya’s insurance card applied for
Yesterday, after the registration of Mariya as a Kofu citizen at the city hall, I received a certificate of her presence in Kofu. Today, at my university, I applied for an insurance card for Mariya with the certificate, which will cover 70% of the medical costs. This evening, I bathed Mariya. Then I played with her to make her tired before the night comes, so that she will sleep rather deeply. Mariya was sometimes put in a baby car and sometimes held in my arms.
Posted in Apartment, Daily life, Mariya, Not classified
Tagged city hall, insurance, Kofu, Kofu citizen, Mariya, university
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