Katya, Mariya, Maya-san and I left our apartment for Shimosuwa at 4:30 PM. Katya drove me to Shimosuwa Production Support Center directly for my talk. She then went to my parents’, left Maya-san, and, with Mariya, went to see her Ukrainian friend living in Shimosuwa.
In the seminar, eleven people came to listen to me, who were managers and engineers of small industrial companies in/around Shimosuwa. They wanted to have some hints of the business in the near future.
My talk started at 6:30 and ended at 8:30 PM, with many questions. It seemed that they had understood me. The director asked a visit of some of the members to our institute in December. Then I walked to my parents’.
I started having dinner, when Katya joined me after 9 PM. She had a good time at her friend’s. The friend, who is married to a Japanese, told Katya that Mariya’s eyes are not dark and different from those of her sons. I had not noticed it.
We went to sleep at my parents’ earlier for the drive for the trip to Hatsushima tomorrow.