Presentation finished, successfully!

I stayed up all night in my office, preparing for the presentation in Tokyo scheduled today.

20-min presentation and 10-min Q&A is not long at all, but it should be counted far more seriously than the report I submitted the other day.

At 7 AM, I went back home for a walk with Maya-san, while Katya was tired and sleeping with Mariya. Then I went back to the office.

I made 25 copies of my PowerPoint presentation file, and left the institute at 11 AM for Kofu station. The presentation was scheduled at 3:40 PM, so leaving that early was not necessary, but I did not want to get to the place in late.

I arrived at the room in a hotel in Ueno at 2 PM after having lunch. I started rehearsals while I was waiting in a small room, while the sub leader of the project from Shimadzu came into the room. We discussed and reconfirmed what we would talk.

The schedules were behind by 20 minutes. I came into the interview room at 4 PM. There were about 30 people waiting for us. I talked for 20 minutes.

After the presentation, I received many questions from about ten judges.  Surprisingly, all the questioners were very positive about our results and gave supportive comments. I became certain that my project will be judged highly.

After the interview, I talked with the sub leader, who agreed about our success.  We left at the hotel, wishing the best in the year 2013.

About Muravej

Hello! I am a scientist running apartments in Tokyo and Yokohama. If you are willing to live in Japan, please get in touch.
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