Katya set up fresh water and sea-water aquariums.
Fresh water aquarium looks calm now.
Sea-water aquarium is still on the way, although Katya put some soft corrals in.
No fish yet.
Katya set up fresh water and sea-water aquariums.
Fresh water aquarium looks calm now.
Sea-water aquarium is still on the way, although Katya put some soft corrals in.
No fish yet.
Hello Muravej,
For the water aquarium, you have neon tetras and harlequin rasbora – these are schooling fish, so remember you must have at least five of each… or they go kind of crazy.
Nice-looking aquariums, though!
Good luck
Hi, Andrew, how do you do? Thanks for coming to my site.
I checked your blog, which is very impressive! Let me include your blog int my blogroll (actually, I already did). I will check yours, too.
We have more than ten tetras, ten pandas, and ten shrimp. It seems that all of them are happily living together.
Our main project is a sea-water aquarium. It is difficult than a fresh-water aquarium for us.
Yes, Andrew, wish us luck!