Blogs I like

In the morning from 9 to 12 AM, I discussed with a student of mine, who has been building up a new measurement system.  He is having good data these days.  We had a long and fruitful discussion.

I had a protein bar for lunch.

From 1 to 2:30 PM, we had a scientific meeting in a group.

From 2:45 to 4:15 PM, I taught students about digital circuits.

I had a cup-o-rice soup for my second lunch.

Then I started writing a paper.  I want to finish it soon.

I left the lab at 8 PM and had a good Spanish soup Katya made. We went out for a walk with Maya-san.

Since I started writing this blog, I became aware of blogs on Japan written by non-Japanese people.  Let me introduce two of them.

1. Japanese Ties by AdelaideBen

Ben is an Australian married to a Japanese lady, who live in Australia.  His blog on Japan is comprehensive, informative, educational, but beautiful, interesting, and funny.  The blog of T-chan, his Japanese wife is lovely, too.  I highly recommend this blog.

2. Genki by Jessica

Jessica is a French lady living with her American husband in Japan. She writes both in French and English. She knows very much about life in Japan; a viewpoint of a non-Japanese wife living in Japan teaches me a lot.  Her pictures are very beautiful.  Her cooking using Japanese materials, vegetables especially, surprises me.

My blog describes daily lives in Japan just as in the title.  I hope people find interesting some ideas of a Japanese husband married to a non-Japanese wife both living in Japan.

About Muravej

Hello! I am a scientist running apartments in Tokyo and Yokohama. If you are willing to live in Japan, please get in touch.
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4 Responses to Blogs I like

  1. AdelaideBen says:

    Thanks Muravej!… much appreciated. I know my wife’s blog is very nice… but I will pass on your kind words.

  2. Muravej says:

    Ben, please keep posting.
    I am enjoying your blog and learning a lot from it. I will check your second blog, too.
    Say hello to T-chan from me and Katya.

  3. Jessica says:

    Hello Murajev,
    Thank you for mentioning my blog it’s very kind!I do enjoy reading your blog too, it’s fun to read your perspectives in English on life in Japan! I am planning to introduce my blogroll into a future post and will mention yours.
    Merci bien!

  4. Muravej says:

    Hello Jessica,
    Thanks for your visit and comment.
    I found out that blogs of a person who knows much about Japan, like yours, are very interesting. We can share the same interest with a diffrent view point. This is true with Katya.
    I like your pictures, too. Please keep posting. A bientot.

    Merci bien!

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