“Hotel Trusty Nagoya” promotes an environmental preservation. If the guest agrees to use the same towels, for example, they give him/her discounts.
I used the same toothbrush, comb, towels, and razor to earn 1,000-yen ticket.
I upgraded my breakfast and ordered a glass of orange juice using the ticket.
Today was the last day of the conference held in WINC AICHI. Three students and one professor talked today. I was in a different hall and did not listen to them. Professors say they did well.
I left Nagoya at 4 PM.
I arrived in Kofu a quarter to eight. Katya picked me up at the station with Maya-san. Katya said my hair style looks neat. Maya-san kissed me furiously in the car.
We directly took Maya-san for an evening walk.
Maya-san’s hind left leg became a bit weak now, so we let her walk on a ground not on a hard asphalt.
Now I am home. Katya told me she went to Lake Inagako today with her Ukrainian friend. She showed me pictures with her PC. Katya hopes to go there this Sunday, too.