Labor Thanksgiving Day

Today was a holiday.  This holiday was originated in the harvest festival in Shintoism. After the WWII, the Allies are said to have created “Labor Day” + “Thanks Giving Day” = “Labor Thanksgiving Day” to eliminate the influence of Shintoism.  So it has a complex history.

Katya went to Tokyo for a walk.  I stayed and took care of Maya-san.

In the morning, Maya-san and I went to Noah Vet Clinic.  It was so crowded.  We stayed outside in fear that Maya-san could bark at, or even bite, cats.  She kept looking inside for cats.

She received a laser treatment as usual.  We then went to a hall to buy tickets for a Jazz concert scheduled on Dec. 4.

After lunch, Maya-san and I went to my office to work together.  The mountains from the garden in front of the office building were colored and beautiful.

Palm trees in the garden looked funny, though.

While I was working, Maya-san was watching outside from the window to guard me.

We went to pick Katya up at 6:30 PM at Kofu station.  Katya said she had a fun in Tokyo.  I studied in Tokyo when in university, and I understand how boring Kofu could be and how refreshing could Tokyo be.

She told me she walked around Harajuku and to MoMA shop in Omote Sando.  The shop is our favorite.

About Muravej

Hello! I am a scientist running apartments in Tokyo and Yokohama. If you are willing to live in Japan, please get in touch.
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