Tiring week, Mamma Mia! evening

I went on business trips last Saturday and Sunday.

I went to Tokyo yesterday, too.

This week was tiring.

This evening, Katya, Natalia, and I saw the “Mamma Mia!” DVD. It is a good movie to see together.  Katya told me that ABBA was popular in USSR, too.

I wonder how people could think of a movie like this. Katya and I saw it at least four times.

Although we see the movies together, our favorite ones are sometimes different.

I love “Kill Bill vol. 1” the best, far the best among all the movies.  The second one is “Shaolin Soccer“. Katya does not like “Kill Bill”, although she accepts “Pulp Fiction“. She does not understand what is good about “Shaolin Soccer”, while I am impressed and almost cry  whenever I see it.

About Muravej

Hello! I am a scientist running apartments in Tokyo and Yokohama. If you are willing to live in Japan, please get in touch.
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