
Today was for the defenses of PhD students.

From 10:30 AM, I attended the defense of a student from Bangladesh. Boy, wasn’t he great! He came all the way to Japan to accomplish marvelous results. I heard that he will be working as a postdoc in Japan, which should be good for him as well as for Japan.

From 5:10 PM, there was a defense of a student whose adviser is me. He carried out his presentation in Engish. He spoke in a very clear English, and his presentation was perfect, too.

Two of the students surely will receive their PhD.

There was five PhD  students in all in our institute to have gotten through the defenses. We had a party at “Sennen no Utage“, or “Party Lasting for a Thousand Years”. I was the first one to arrive.


Everybody got so drunk.


They deserve it.

About Muravej

Hello! I am a scientist running apartments in Tokyo and Yokohama. If you are willing to live in Japan, please get in touch.
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