Lamborghini not repaired yet

In the morning, I happened to meet the lady who hit my Lamborghini (and me) yesterday.

She looked so sorry. I said it was not a big thing.  She asked me to have it repaired, and  said that she will pay for it. I said thank you.

However, it was a busy day today. The morning meeting lasted till 1 PM. I had another meeting from 3 to 4 PM. I did not return home for lunch, nor did I take the bike to a bike shop.

Meanwhile, I prepared everything ready for the 16-day trip of my parents in the Izu peninsula. I reserved the hotels and finished travel plans, and have sent everything to my parents.

Katya, Maya-san, and I would visit them on the weekend.

About Muravej

Hello! I am a scientist running apartments in Tokyo and Yokohama. If you are willing to live in Japan, please get in touch.
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