I came back home at 7 AM. I took Maya-san out for a walk and went to sleep.
Katya left home for her classes while I am in futon.
I woke up at 9 AM, took trains, and went to Tokyo Big Sight, a large convention center.
An instrumental and scientific exhibition, nano tech 2012, was held there.
Many domestic and international companies participated and presented their new instruments. Very interesting!
The Russian company I had found in another exhibition had a booth, too. I talked with a salesperson, who said that the business is going well in Japan.
After leaving the exhibition site, I took trains to Akihabara to stay in a small one-bed room in Akihabara Washington Hotel.
It was rainy/snowy outside. I had dinner in the hotel restaurant.
I had a 1500-yen steak dinner, with a glass of wine. I used a 20% discount coupon.
I was watching AVATOR on TV.
It is a good movie to watch in a hotel after dinner, which had not impressed me in the movie theater.
The best character to me was, by all means, Colonel Quaritch. Lang‘s stereotype acts did fit the movie indeed. Very good actor.
I was trying to work, but soon went to sleep.