Furoen on Vernal Equinox Day

Today is Vernal Equinox Day, a holiday.

In the morning, Katya and I went to Gusto for breakfast.


We went back home, picked Maya-san up, and headed for Furoen as scheduled. We used two Ogino coupons for a free entry.


The Ume blossoms were at their best.


Small shops were there to provide with foods and drinks. We took a cup of amazake drink.

We walked up the hill.



It was a pleasant walk except Maya-san who needed some free run.

Katya and I took Maya-san to Pet Field for her beauty care. I looked her through the window.

She was OK with the lady but did not seem very happy about the treatments.

We went home and rested ourselves.

About Muravej

Hello! I am a scientist running apartments in Tokyo and Yokohama. If you are willing to live in Japan, please get in touch.
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2 Responses to Furoen on Vernal Equinox Day

  1. AdelaideBen says:

    Looks like you had a great holiday (though I don’t quite get the whole choice of “holidays” in Japan). Then again, in Australia we have a holiday to celebrate a horse race…

    Spring is coming, and it’s exciting times. Finally the warmth starts to come through (ever so slowly). Won’t be long and the sakura will be out in bloom (1-2 weeks?).

    Still time to enjoy the changing of the seasons before the humidity hits! I always feel sorry for Katya suffering the hot sticky weather in Summer (compared to Vladivostok!). BTW – I check out Katya’s photoblog every now and again, but it’s been a long time since she’s updated it. I hope she’s still doing her photography as it was really enjoyable.

  2. Muravej says:

    Good, relaxing holiday we had.

    I like spring the best in four seasons, especially after winter. Yes, sakura will be in bloom in two weeks (it is a bit cold this year).

    I am sorry for Katya, Ben, spending summers in Kofu, one of the hottest places in Japan. She once told me she liked summer the best, but that was summer in Vladivostok!; summer and fall in Vladivostok is very comfortable and beautiful.

    Katya posted some pictures on her blog. She is not very enthusiastic about her blog. I hope she posts more because I think she is a good photographer.

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