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- Muravej on Aquariums
- Andrew on Aquariums
- Muravej on Preparing all day for the presentation
- AdelaideBen on Preparing all day for the presentation
- Muravej on Lazy second day in Hatsushima
- AdelaideBen on Lazy second day in Hatsushima
- Muravej on Happy Birthday, Mariya, on the One-month Old Birthday
- Sonia Sharmin on Happy Birthday, Mariya, on the One-month Old Birthday
- Muravej on Welcome home, Mariya
- AdelaideBen on Welcome home, Mariya
Tag Archives: Gusto
Jingisukan BBQ dinner on Sunday
It is Sunday today. When I woke up, it was raining. I took Maya-san out for a walk in the morning. She was a good girl enough not to hesitate to walk in the rain, which is not very often. After the walk, Katya drove to Jonathan’s. I read a newspaper, while Katya an internet magazine with her iPad. Drinks in Jonathan’s are better than in Gusto, so we might be going to have Sunday breakfasts in Jonathan’s, although Gusto is in the walking distance from our apartment. Then we went to “Pet Field” to see live rocks to be put in a fish tank. We did not buy … Continue reading
Posted in Apartment, cooking, Daily life, Katya, Liesure, Maya-san, Restaurant, Shops
Tagged apartment, fish tank, Gusto, iPad, Jingisukan BBQ, Jonathan's, Katya, Matsuo Jingisukan, Maya-san, Pet Field, Sunday, walk
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Itajiki Gorge, Kofu, Yamanashi, on Sunday
Today is Sunday. In the morning, Katya and I had brunch at Gusto. Then all of us went up the mountain to Itajiki gorge in Kofu, which Katya had happened to find. By the gorge, there was a short hiking course less than a kilometer long. Right after the entrance, Shirokami waterfall welcomed us. Roads were sometimes rocky but mostly pleasant. At the end of the hiking course, there was Otaki waterfall. The differential level is 30 m; the fall was not huge, but it was worth visiting. The mists made us feel cool. The water from the gorge flows into Arakawa Dam. We came back home. Katya and … Continue reading
Posted in Daily life, Katya, Liesure, Maya-san, Restaurant, Shops
Tagged Arakawa Dam, dinner, Gusto, Itajiki gorge, Katya, Kofu, Maya-san, Nigirino Tokube, Nitori, Otaki waterfall, Shirokami waterfall, Sunday
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Second day of the summer vacation
In the morning, I took Maya-san to Arakawa River Park. The lawn was faded by the heat. Maya-san walked on grasses. I went to Gusto for breakfast. I read two newspapers. When I turned on TV, Sharapova was with a Japanese comedian, who went to London to interview athletes. The interview was funny. Today’s Sunday, so I spend a lazy life with Maya-san.
Posted in Daily life, Liesure, Maya-san
Tagged Arakawa, Gusto, London, Maya-san, Sharapova, walk
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Nishizawa Valley, Taizan Hanten, Gusto
Young scientists visited our institute in the morning, and I showed them around. In the afternoon, Katya, Maya-san, and I went to Nishizawa Valley in Yamanashi city. The temperature in Kofu was higher than 30 degree C today, but in the mountain, it lowered to 24 degree. It was cool and pleasant. Maya-san found something “real” under the ground. She dug, barked, tried to bite it, and sometimes jumped back. It could be a snake. I took Maya-san out from the hole. We arrived at Okubo Waterfall. We then returned. On the way back home, we dropped by “JA (Japan Agriculture Co-operatives) Fruits Yamanashi”, a vegetable and fruit … Continue reading
Posted in Daily life, Katya, Liesure, Maya-san, Restaurant, Science and Technology, Shops
Tagged Chinese, dinner, Gusto, institute, JA, Katya, Kofu, Maya-san, Nishizawa Valley, restaurant, scientist
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Sunday on June 10, 2012
On a Sunday Morning, Katya and I went to Gusto for breakfast as ususal. I read a newspaper and Katya a book. Katya, Maya-san, and I drove to “Doryu Waterfall” in Kiyosato. The green was very fresh in early summer. The fall is not big, but the water streams are delicately separated as if into thin white strings running down. “Waterfalls breathed out by dragon” is an adequate name. Katya got closer to the falls. The air was very fresh. Maya-san has changed in the nature; she looked more serious, relaxing, and independent. After visiting the falls, we dropped by “Kiyosato no Mori” park, too. We came home. … Continue reading
Posted in Daily life, Katya, Liesure, Maya-san, Restaurant, Shops, Trip
Tagged Bamiyan, Chinese, Coffee Tonya, dinner, Doryu Waterfall, Gusto, Katya, Kiyosato, Maya-san, restaurant, Texas Select
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Gusto, Shosenkyo, and New Mahal on Sunday
In the morning, Katya and I had breakfast at Gusto as usual. I read a newspaper and Katya a book. In the afternoon, Katya, Maya-san, and I went to Shosenkyo Valley for a walk. The green was young and beautiful. Katya and I had dinner at New Mahal. I asked a Nepali waiter in Japanese to make my curry spicy. He was mistaken and made my chicken curry much less spicy. Boy, wasn’t I disappointed. However, since he was not a Japanese, I thought it was partly my fault. The curry was not very good for me, but I ate them all. The waiter was very pleasant. We … Continue reading
Posted in Daily life, Katya, Liesure, Maya-san, Restaurant
Tagged curry, Gusto, Katya, Maya-san, New Mahal, newspaper, Shosenkyo, walk
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Lake Chiyoda, Kofu
Katya and I had breakfast at Gusto. After breakfast, we drove to Lake Chiyoda with Maya-san. Katya and Maya-san once walked there (in two hours!), but I had not been there. The lake is artificial, created in 1937, well-known to fishermen for a fish called “hera-crucian“. We walked around the lake and took a path into the forest. A panoramic view of Kofu was obtained. After a long walk, we went to Pet Field. I bought four shrimp. We came back home and put the shrimp in the tank. I cooked steaks for dinner. Maya-san is tired; she soon went to sleep.
Posted in Daily life, Katya, Liesure, Maya-san
Tagged dinner, Gusto, Katya, Lake Chiyoda, Maya-san, walk
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Kiyosato on a Sunday in May
Katya and I had breakfast at Gusto, a family restaurant. I like to have breakfast at a family restaurant. Not because of the tastes themselves, but the atmosphere, where I commonly read a newspaper. Katya tends to read a book, too. After the breakfast, Katya, Maya-san, and I headed for “Utsukushi Mori” in the Kiyosato area. Cherry blossoms were still in bloom. This means that the weather is not warm enough for plants yet. Right after we started walking on a hiking path, we found out that spring is only starting in this place. We climbed up to the monument of Utsukushi Mori, and walked down. We … Continue reading
Posted in Daily life, Katya, Liesure, Maya-san, Restaurant, Trip
Tagged Gusto, Katya, Kiyosato, Kiyosato no Mori, Kofu, Maya-san, restaurant, Ruan Thai Morakot, Utsukushi no Mori
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Furoen on Vernal Equinox Day
Today is Vernal Equinox Day, a holiday. In the morning, Katya and I went to Gusto for breakfast. We went back home, picked Maya-san up, and headed for Furoen as scheduled. We used two Ogino coupons for a free entry. The Ume blossoms were at their best. Small shops were there to provide with foods and drinks. We took a cup of amazake drink. We walked up the hill. It was a pleasant walk except Maya-san who needed some free run. Katya and I took Maya-san to Pet Field for her beauty care. I looked her through the window. She was OK with the lady but did … Continue reading
Posted in Daily life, Katya, Liesure, Maya-san, Restaurant
Tagged Furoen, Gusto, Katya, Maya-san, Ogino, Pet Field, Vernal Equinox Day
3.11 in 2012: One year after the dissaster
After having blini for breakfast, Katya and I went to a “YAMADA” electric shop to buy an air purifier for Katya’s pollen allergy. They recommended a Sharp or a Panasonic, and we chose Sharp, which is now being advertised on TV. After coming home, I turned on the TV to watch the national memorial ceremony of the disaster. Emperor presented himself after his heart surgery. He did a good talk (I am against the Japanese Emperor system, but I think he is a balanced person). At 2:46 PM, we paid one-minute silent prayer to the victims. Although I am an atheist, I quietly thought of them. I think the disaster has changed … Continue reading
Posted in Daily life, Earthquake, Katya, Shops
Tagged air purifier, disaster, DVD, earthquake, Emperor, Gusto, Katya, pollen allergy, STEAK GUSTO, TSUTAYA, YAMADA
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