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- Muravej on Aquariums
- Andrew on Aquariums
- Muravej on Preparing all day for the presentation
- AdelaideBen on Preparing all day for the presentation
- Muravej on Lazy second day in Hatsushima
- AdelaideBen on Lazy second day in Hatsushima
- Muravej on Happy Birthday, Mariya, on the One-month Old Birthday
- Sonia Sharmin on Happy Birthday, Mariya, on the One-month Old Birthday
- Muravej on Welcome home, Mariya
- AdelaideBen on Welcome home, Mariya
Tag Archives: institute
Preparing for the meeting on Friday
For my scientific project, I am holding general meetings three times a year. The next meeting will be scheduled on this Friday in my institute; I started preparing for this. I checked the attendees. There will be nearly 30 people. Four officials are coming from a government organization. To all of them, I have sent the schedules. I have also sent the report I prepared last week. I planned the arrangement of the room, and I rechecked the party after the meeting. I hope that everything goes well on Friday.
Posted in Daily life, Science and Technology
Tagged attendee, government organization, institute, meeting, official, party, project, report, schedule
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iPhone and bottles
I was busy today with two lectures. In the evening, I was running out for a meeting. I jumped and broke my iPhone 5 I bought with Katya last December. I did not know that the screen was so fragile. Other than the screen, it worked, but I need to replace it to a new one, anyway. I got shocked. After I came back home, we had deliveries. BODY SHOP bottles from the director of our institute, for whom we held a party for his awards. Wines I bought at “Tomi no Oka” on Sunday. I am looking forward to trying them.
Posted in Apartment, Daily life, Katya, Not classified, Shops
Tagged BODY SHOP, director, institute, iPhone 5, Katya, lecture, meeting, Tomi no Oka, wine
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Welcome party at Monojiya
There was a welcome party of a research group in the institute. I went into a narrow side street, “Chochin Yokocho” near Kofu Station. I walked up into a building. Looks weird. We had the party at Monojiya. They made the inside old and cheap as in the 60s. The party started at 7 PM. I sneaked out at 8 PM to see Katya and Mariya.
Posted in Daily life, Liesure, Restaurant
Tagged Chochin Yokocho, institute, Katya, Kofu station, Mariya, Monojiya, party, research, welcome party
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Getting ready for a trip in Tokyo
We are planning to spend two nights in Tokyo from tomorrow. So we were preparing for the trip. In the afternoon, I went back to my apartment from the institute; my parents from Shimosuwa were already at ours. They came to take care of Mariya for a couple of hours for Katya, then to take Maya-san to theirs during our stay in Tokyo. We saw them off, and I took mini to the optician’s to get my disposable contact lens. Actually, I found the hospital closed on the Tuesday afternoon when I got there, but driving mini was fun as usual, anyway. For the lens, I will used the old one … Continue reading
Presentation finished, successfully!
I stayed up all night in my office, preparing for the presentation in Tokyo scheduled today. 20-min presentation and 10-min Q&A is not long at all, but it should be counted far more seriously than the report I submitted the other day. At 7 AM, I went back home for a walk with Maya-san, while Katya was tired and sleeping with Mariya. Then I went back to the office. I made 25 copies of my PowerPoint presentation file, and left the institute at 11 AM for Kofu station. The presentation was scheduled at 3:40 PM, so leaving that early was not necessary, but I did not want to get to … Continue reading
Posted in Daily life, Katya, Mariya, Maya-san, Science and Technology
Tagged hotel, institute, interview, judge, Katya, Kofu station, Mariya, Maya-san, office, presentation, project, report, Shimadzu, Tokyo, Ueno
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Seminar in Shimosuwa
Katya, Mariya, Maya-san and I left our apartment for Shimosuwa at 4:30 PM. Katya drove me to Shimosuwa Production Support Center directly for my talk. She then went to my parents’, left Maya-san, and, with Mariya, went to see her Ukrainian friend living in Shimosuwa. In the seminar, eleven people came to listen to me, who were managers and engineers of small industrial companies in/around Shimosuwa. They wanted to have some hints of the business in the near future. My talk started at 6:30 and ended at 8:30 PM, with many questions. It seemed that they had understood me. The director asked a visit of some of the members to our institute … Continue reading
Another Monday
I received an e-mail from a person in the governmental office in charge of my project, telling me that they had received my answer sheet. It will be passed to the judges on the 27th. Another e-mail arrived from a friend of mine in France with a paper attached; a Chinese student of his lab did the job in our institute while he was here and wrote the paper. I will check it soon. In the afternoon, I taught a class. Another e-mails and another jobs not accomplished last week. Typical Monday.
Posted in Daily life, Science and Technology, teaching
Tagged answer sheet, Chinese student, class, e-mail, France, friend, governmental office, institute, judge, lab, paper, project
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Visitors to the institute
Thirty scientists from abroad visited our institute. I helped them with the lab tour. One of them from the Netherlands was very interested in my research, and he will get in touch with me after coming back home. I hope it will be a fruitful collaboration.
Posted in Daily life, Science and Technology
Tagged collaboration, institute, lab, Netherlands, research, scientist
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Russian instrument and presents
An instruction started today of the new Russian instrument I had chosen. It seems to be a good one. In the evening, I taught English to some students in the institute. After the lesson, they gave presents to Mariya; a towel and clothes. I passed them to Katya. Towels are always useful for a baby.
Posted in Daily life, Katya, Mariya, Science and Technology, teaching
Tagged English, institute, instrument, Katya, Mariya, Russian, student
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Budget inspection inside the university
My 3.5-year project has already passed a year; there are two and a half more years. This afternoon, there was a budget inspection of the university; two officers from the main office came to our institute, and one officer in our institute and I welcomed them in a room. The two officers asked how I am choosing items to buy and how the officers of the institute are ordering them. Then they came to the lab to check what I had bought. It was not a national inspection, but I was a bit worried and relieved when they told me things seemed OK.
Posted in Daily life, Not classified, Science and Technology, teaching
Tagged budget inspection, institute, lab, office, officer, project, university
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