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- Muravej on Aquariums
- Andrew on Aquariums
- Muravej on Preparing all day for the presentation
- AdelaideBen on Preparing all day for the presentation
- Muravej on Lazy second day in Hatsushima
- AdelaideBen on Lazy second day in Hatsushima
- Muravej on Happy Birthday, Mariya, on the One-month Old Birthday
- Sonia Sharmin on Happy Birthday, Mariya, on the One-month Old Birthday
- Muravej on Welcome home, Mariya
- AdelaideBen on Welcome home, Mariya
Tag Archives: real estate
Blog restarted: Business trip to Tokyo and Mariya six months old
I have been happy but sleepy with Mariya. These days, I got used to the situation, so I restart my blog. This morning, I had a beef-bowl breakfast at Yoshinoya near Kofu Station; the price of a bowl was lowered to 280 yen because of the increase in beef imported from USA after the BSE issue. Taste was good. Then I took a train first to a company in Kanda, Tokyo, to discuss a computer simulation of the results of my project. It seems that we will be able to write a good joint paper. The company is now improving their own simulation program using our data. They are planning … Continue reading
Posted in Apartment, Daily life, Katya, Mariya, Real estate business, Science and Technology, Shops
Tagged apartment, beef bowl, blog, company, Kanda, Kofu station, Mariya, Myorenji, project, real estate, Shinjuku Station, Takano Fruits Parlor, Tokyo, USA, Yoshinoya
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Business trip to Yokohama and Tokyo
In the morning, I went to Myorenji in Yokohama to check the apartment building. The building was well taken care of. I had a talk with a guy from the managing company about the care in the future. I was to see a professor in Keio University in Hiyoshi. Before the meeting, I went to Motosumiyoshi, where I had lived for two years. It is an old town. The road was neatly changed, but the streets and stores looked still old. After having lunch in Motosumiyoshi, I went to the laboratory in Keio Univeristy to discuss my project with a professor until 2 PM. Then I took trains to Honancho to … Continue reading
Posted in Apartment, Daily life, Mariya, Real estate business, Trip
Tagged apartment building, Hiyoshi, Honancho, Keio University, laboratory, managing company, meeting, Motosumiyoshi, Myorenji, professor, project, real estate, Yokohama
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Shinjuku and Shimosuwa
I left Kofu at 12:12 PM for a real estate meeting held in Shinjuku, Tokyo. It was a hot day even at the end of August. The meeting ended at 3:30 PM. I took a train to Shimosuwa leaving at 4 PM. Katya. on the other hand, left Kofu with Maya-san by Smart to Shimosuwa. We met at my parents’ at 7 PM. Then, all of us headed for their second house. Katya left the house for her Russian friend’s. Maya-san is waiting for her.
Posted in Daily life, Katya, Liesure, Maya-san, Real estate business, Trip
Tagged Katya, Kofu, Maya-san, meeting, parents, real estate, Russian, Shimosuwa, Shinjuku, smart, Tokyo
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Real-estate meetings in Tokyo and Tokube dinner
There were two real-estate meetings , for which, I went to rainy Tokyo. The first one, starting from 1 PM, was held in Shinjuku for the management of the apartment in Shibakoen. There were four attendees who are the staffs of the owners’ union, including me. We talked about exchanging light bulbs into LEDs, a bicycle parking, and the modifications of the rules of the owners’ union. It ended at 2:30 PM. I rushed to the next meeting in Honancho for the management of the apartment in Nakaochiai, the representative of the owners’ union of which is me. I talked with a new internet provider for the new service and … Continue reading
Posted in Apartment, Daily life, Katya, Liesure, Maya-san, Real estate business, Restaurant
Tagged bicycle, cable TV, e-mail, internet, Kofu, management Shibakoen, meeting, Nakaochiai, office, provider, real estate, Shinjuku, Tokube, Tokyo, Tokyo Banana
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Locked out, Rejected, Sushi
In the morning, I took Smart to take Maya-san out for a walk, then, Katya left home by bike for teaching English. I left the key inside! I found it out when Katya arrived at the class. I called her, but it was too late. There was nothing to do except taking Maya-san for a longer walk; so I did. Maya-san enjoyed a morning digging very much. I went to the real-estate office to borrow a master key. At 8:30 AM, I got the key. I went back to the apartment quickly, left Maya-san inside, and returned to the office to have the key back. After I finally arrived in my … Continue reading
Posted in Apartment, Daily life, Katya, Liesure, Maya-san, Restaurant, Science and Technology
Tagged apartment, Katya, Maya-san, office, paper, real estate, smart, Tokube, walk
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Tokyo Tower
I went to Tokyo on a business trip to attend two real estate meetings. Between the meetings, I went to see my apartment in Shiba Koen. The apartment was well maintained inside and outside. From the 15th floor, Cornes‘ building is seen across the street. They sell expensive cars like Ferrarris. Tokyo Tower is in a walking distance from the apartment. I walked there to see it. A well-known view from the precincts of Jozoji Temple. At the foot of Tokyo Tower. I took an elevator to climb up to the first stage located at 150 m from the ground. A small shrine exists on the floor. I then went … Continue reading
Posted in Apartment, Daily life, Katya, Liesure, Real estate business, Trip
Tagged apartment, business trip, meeting, real estate, Shiba Koen, temple, Tokyo, Tokyo Tower
Business trip to Tokyo on Saturday
In the morning, I took a bus to Tokyo; there would be real estate and academic meetings. The bus left at 7:30 PM. I had a hamburger for breakfast in the bus. From Shinjuku, I took trains to Akabanebashi, Minato Ward. From the exit of the station, Tokyo Tower can be seen. Then, I walked to the apartment, in which I have a studio. I looked around, inside and outside. Bicyles were not properly parked. I took photos to show to the managing company. On the way back to Akabane Station, I walked through Shiba Park. It was a small but quiet park in a busy Tokyo area. … Continue reading
Posted in Apartment, Daily life, Real estate business, Science and Technology, Trip
Tagged academia, apartment, company, office, real estate, Shinjuku, Tokyo
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Business trip to Tokyo
It was a beautiful day. I went to Shibuya, Tokyo, in the morning to visit the real estate agency to prepare the documents for the contract between me and the new tenant of my studio in Nakaochiai. From Shinjuku to Shibuya, I took a train. In the stations, I noticed no foreigners; everybody was Asian, and I heard neither Chinese nor Korean. It was very unusual and weird in Tokyo. Outside of Shibuya, I noticed very few foreigners, too. The young man in the office preparing the documents with me was from Minami Soma city, destroyed by tsunami and close to the power plant. He said he took all his … Continue reading
Posted in Real estate business, Science and Technology, Trip
Tagged business, instrument, real estate, Russia, studio, Tokyo, trip
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