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- Andrew on Aquariums
- Muravej on Preparing all day for the presentation
- AdelaideBen on Preparing all day for the presentation
- Muravej on Lazy second day in Hatsushima
- AdelaideBen on Lazy second day in Hatsushima
- Muravej on Happy Birthday, Mariya, on the One-month Old Birthday
- Sonia Sharmin on Happy Birthday, Mariya, on the One-month Old Birthday
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- AdelaideBen on Welcome home, Mariya
Tag Archives: seminar
Submitting a report and making an instrument
Yesterday, after the seminar, I received a response from the governmental office telling me that they are not allowed to download files from free storage sites. It is reasonable, so I made the file separated into three and sent them by e-mail first. An officer said the report was fine, so I print it out, signed on it, and sent it by mail. A researcher came from Shimadzu. We worked on our instrument under development.
Posted in Daily life, Science and Technology
Tagged e-mail, governmental office, instrument, officer, report, researcher, response, seminar, Shimadzu
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Seminar and meeting in Tokyo
I continued copying and pasting. At 2 AM, a mail arrived from a Mexican friend working for a French university; he invited me to the defense of his Chinese PhD student, and the date of defense was decided on September 18th. So I will visit France in September. I finished the report at 4 AM. I uploaded the file to a free storage site and sent the url to the governmental institute asking to download it to check. I came back home, took Maya-san for a morning walk, and left for Tokyo for a seminar of a graphic software I am using. I slept in the train. I got off … Continue reading
Posted in Apartment, Daily life, Maya-san, Real estate business, Restaurant, Science and Technology, teaching, Trip
Tagged apartment, Chinese, defense, France, friend, Hamamatsu-cho, Honan-cho, Kobe Rampu-tei, mail, Maya-san, meeting, Mexican, Mielparque Tokyo, NakaochiaiKofu, PhD, real-estate managing company, seminar, Starbucks, student, Tokyo, train, university, walk, Zojo-ji
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Seminar in Shimosuwa
Katya, Mariya, Maya-san and I left our apartment for Shimosuwa at 4:30 PM. Katya drove me to Shimosuwa Production Support Center directly for my talk. She then went to my parents’, left Maya-san, and, with Mariya, went to see her Ukrainian friend living in Shimosuwa. In the seminar, eleven people came to listen to me, who were managers and engineers of small industrial companies in/around Shimosuwa. They wanted to have some hints of the business in the near future. My talk started at 6:30 and ended at 8:30 PM, with many questions. It seemed that they had understood me. The director asked a visit of some of the members to our institute … Continue reading
Lost and Found, and Seminar, and Lost
Last night, I found out that I had left my glasses on board. I called to the airline company this morning after they started working. They kept the glasses. It was lucky that I stayed in Narita, eventually. The hotel shuttle took me to the airport from the hotel. At the airport, the temperature was above 25 C. No wonder I sweated. I went up to the ticket-selling desk, as I had been told, and received the glasses. Lucky me! Then I took a bus to Shinjuku, Tokyo, not to Kofu, in order to attend a real estate seminar at Hilton Tokyo, given for the representatives of apartments. This free seminar was held … Continue reading
Posted in Apartment, Daily life, Real estate business, Trip
Tagged Boston, hotel, Kofu, party, seminar, Shinjuku, Tokyo
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Last day of the seminar and meeting Katya
The seminar ended at 11:20. Participants had lunch and took a bus at 12:30. We cleaned the rooms, had a meeting, and drove back to Kofu. On the way home, I became sleepy and took a nap in the car. Then I dropped by at a cell-phone shop for reserving a cell phone to be used in France next week. I arrived home at 4 PM and met Katya after a month. She looked refreshed after the stay back in Vladivostok. She went out for her job. I suddenly became sleepy and went to sleep with Maya-san.
Posted in Daily life, Katya, Maya-san, Science and Technology
Tagged Katya, Kofu, Maya-san, participant, seminar, Vladivostok
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Lectures started
From 9 AM, I opened the seminar with remarks for 15 min, Then, we had two lectures in the morning. It was a bit clouded but was very pleasant. During the lunch time, I went out to take pictures. Hotel Koumi RE-EX is on Koumi Highland, Nagano. The altitude is 1,452 m. In the evening, students and young scientist gave poster presentations till 11 PM over a drink. Katya arrived back in Kofu. She is now with Maya-san. We talked over a phone.
Posted in Katya, Maya-san, Science and Technology
Tagged hotel, Katya, Kofu, lecture, Maya-san, Nagano, poster, presentation, scientist, seminar, student
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Staying in Shimosuwa, Leaving Maya-san
Today’s Sunday. I took Maya-san out for a walk, cleaned my clothes and put washed dishes in. Then, Maya-san and I went to my office to prepared the seminar starting on Monday, tomorrow. A participant sent me an e-mail of canceling, but this was all that happened. In the evening, I drove directly to my parents’ in Shimosuwa with Maya-san. Mission: I stay one night, leaving Maya-san and Smart for another night. I will chair the seminar for three nights. Meanwhile, Katya leaves Vladivostok for Korea tomorrow, stay one night there, and will leave for Tokyo the day after tomorrow. Katya will take trains directly to Shimosuwa, take Maya-san from … Continue reading
Posted in Daily life, Katya, Maya-san, Science and Technology
Tagged Katya, Kofu, Korea, Maya-san, seminar, Shimosuwa, smart, Vladivostok
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Getting ready for the seminar
Today is Friday. I was talking on the phone with companies before the seminar starting on Monday. I was sending e-mails to participants. Right after the interview, I felt really tired, but now I feel fine. I think things are ready, but feel a bit worried. Anyway, for dinner, I had a piece of eel to cheer me up. Maya-san is on my lap. She seems to forget Katya, but I know she will be thrilled in a couple of days.
Posted in cooking, Daily life, Katya, Maya-san, Science and Technology
Tagged dinner, interview, Katya, Maya-san, participant, seminar
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Tiring days continue
I was thinking I would be less burdened after the interview. Well, the seminar is close and there came more and more things to be done. These days, I am in front of the computer, sending and reading and sending mails, and preparing more and more documents. People pay for the seminar, so the responsibility is large. We had a heavy rain yesterday, and it is cool and nice. The weather is one thing that is pleasant. During the evening, I was so tired and talk with Katya only a couple of minutes. I do not sleep well thinking about the seminar.
Posted in Daily life, Katya, Science and Technology
Tagged interview, Katya, seminar
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