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- AdelaideBen on Preparing all day for the presentation
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- AdelaideBen on Lazy second day in Hatsushima
- Muravej on Happy Birthday, Mariya, on the One-month Old Birthday
- Sonia Sharmin on Happy Birthday, Mariya, on the One-month Old Birthday
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- AdelaideBen on Welcome home, Mariya
Tag Archives: TSUTAYA
3.11 in 2012: One year after the dissaster
After having blini for breakfast, Katya and I went to a “YAMADA” electric shop to buy an air purifier for Katya’s pollen allergy. They recommended a Sharp or a Panasonic, and we chose Sharp, which is now being advertised on TV. After coming home, I turned on the TV to watch the national memorial ceremony of the disaster. Emperor presented himself after his heart surgery. He did a good talk (I am against the Japanese Emperor system, but I think he is a balanced person). At 2:46 PM, we paid one-minute silent prayer to the victims. Although I am an atheist, I quietly thought of them. I think the disaster has changed … Continue reading
Posted in Daily life, Earthquake, Katya, Shops
Tagged air purifier, disaster, DVD, earthquake, Emperor, Gusto, Katya, pollen allergy, STEAK GUSTO, TSUTAYA, YAMADA
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First ski in 2012 in Sun Meadows, Yamanashi
In the morning, I went to TSUTAYA to have the DVD back. Then, Maya-san and I went for a walk by Arakawa river as we did last week. It was warm. Maya-san found a mole hole and started to dig it deeper. She dared not leave the hole, so I carried her up to take her back to the car. After breakfast, Katya, Maya-san, and I went up the mountain to Sun Meadows in Kiyosato area for the first ski in this season. It was a bit cloudy but not extremely cold. Katya and I took a lift, “Flower Lift”, to up the hill. Since this was the first … Continue reading
Posted in Daily life, Katya, Liesure, Maya-san, Restaurant, Trip
Tagged Arakawa, hotel, Katya, Kiyosato, Maya-san, parents, Shimosuwa, ski, Sun Meadows, TSUTAYA, Yumura Hotel
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Walks with Maya-san on Sunday
In the morning, I took Maya-san for a walk along Arakawa river, where there is a small park. Mt. Fuji was seen from it. In the afternoon, Katya, Maya-san, and I first went to TSUTAYA to rent DVDs. Parking lot was full. Then we walked around Ryugaike Lake. Fishers were enjoying bass fishing. During the walk, Maya-san found a cat, suddenly jumped to it, and bit it! We helped the cat, and the cat managed to escape from Maya-san. Maya-san looked proud. In the evening, we watched a DVD of a funny show “One-night stay of Hitoshi Matsumoto in an abandoned Japanese Hotel”. It was funny but we also … Continue reading
First Tokube of the year 2012
Katya and I went to Nigirino Tokube for the first time this year. We used a 10%-discount coupon that they gave us at the end of the year 2011. After the dinner, we went to TSUTAYA to return and rent DVDs. On the second day of the new year, they gave us a free coupon for two CDs. Today, we chose a set of three CDs for classic music and another set for Jazz. We bought 20 packs of CD-R, too. When we tried to copy the CDs, we found out that the CD recorder we have at home does not open to accept a CD; it is broken. … Continue reading
Posted in Apartment, Daily life, Katya, Restaurant
Tagged CD, Classic, coupon, Jazz, Katya, Tokube, TSUTAYA
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New fish and new restaurant
In the morning, I took DVDs back to TSUTAYA before the shop opened so that we did not have to be charged for the delay. Then I walked with Maya-san by Arakawa river. For breakfast, we went to Gusto. We had relatively big brunch. In the afternoon, we went to “Fish Land Ishihara” and bought three lambchop rasboras to put them in our aquarium. Fish with bright color should go well with the others. However, the saleswoman mistakenly gave us two orange tetras and two red cherry shrimp (we think that the she did not see well). Since the fish bag was wrapped, we found it only at home. We decided … Continue reading
Posted in Daily life, Katya, Liesure, Maya-san, Restaurant
Tagged aquarium, Arakawa, DVD, fish, Gusto, Katya, Maya-san, restaurant, TSUTAYA
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Walk in Kofu on January 2nd
We are still on New Year holidays. In the afternoon, everyone went for a walk in the mountain. A good view of the city of Kofu. We had a long two-hour walk. Then we drove to TSUTAYA to rent DVDs. Maya-san kept home, while Katya and I had dinner in New Mahal. It was good to have spicy curry on a cold day. After coming home, Katya and I watched a DVD entitled “Never laugh in this police department!“, a comedy.
Posted in Daily life, Katya, Liesure, Maya-san, Restaurant
Tagged dinner, Katya, Kofu, Maya-san, New Mahal, TSUTAYA, walk
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Nishizawa Valley
In the afternoon, Katya drove Maya-san and me to Nishizawa Valley near Kofu by smart. When we left our apartment, it started raining, but still very lightly. When we got to the valley, the rain became heavier. It rained harder and harder. It could have been the heaviest rain this year. Unfortunately, right from the entrance, we had to go back to our apartment. After coming back to our apartment, the rain got weaker and eventually stopped. We took some rest and went to the TSUTAYA video shop to rent DVD’s. I rent”Falling in Love” and “On the Beach“. I bought a tennis magazine, “Smash“, too. On the way back … Continue reading
Posted in Apartment, Daily life, Katya, Liesure, Maya-san
Tagged Katya, Kofu, Maya-san, Midorigaoka Sports Park, Nishizawa Valley, smart, TSUTAYA, walk
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Morning walk with Maya-san
A week ago, I rent “It’s Complicated” (basically for Katya) and “Inglorious Basterds“(only for me) a week ago. We saw It’s Complicated the day before yesterday, and I saw a part of Inglorious Basterds last night till I was not able to keep myself awake. Although I got sleepy, I liked the movie very much. It was not as impressive as my best movie, “Kill Bill“, but I felt Tarantino’s love for movies. I will rent it again. In the morning, unfortunately, I had to return them till 10 AM to TSUTAYA in order not to pay the penalty of renting longer. I took Maya-san with me in a car. … Continue reading
Helping parents in Shimosuwa, Nagano
Fortunately for my parents, Nagano prefecture was not damaged by the quake. Today, I woke up, took Maya-san out, and drove out alone with mini first to TSUTAYA to return DVDs and to Shimosuwa to see my parents. It took one and a half hours to there. They needed my help to clean up the store house and to prepare the annual documentation. I had big lunch and dinner mother made. I went back home. It is 8:30 PM now, and Katya and I are watching Sharapova vs. Petkovic.
Posted in Daily life
Tagged dinner, earthquake, Katya, Maya-san, Nagano, parents, Shimosuwa, Tennis, TSUTAYA
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Electricity has been running
Yesterday and today, we enjoyed the continuous flow of electricity. Tokyo Electric Power Co. is scheduling the continuous supply till April 3; schools are in the spring vacation now. From April 4, school starts and electricity goes down. Katya went to see a Russian friend of hers in Minami Alps city and had no time to cook. We went to the Jonathan’s. There were many people as usual. Dairy foods and products were out of order. At the coffee server, there was no milk for cafe au lait or cappuccino. Yogurt was not available, either. Other than that, menus were normal. Katya was reading Mikhail Bulgakov before dinner came. Maya-san … Continue reading
Posted in Daily life, Earthquake, Katya, Maya-san, Restaurant
Tagged Jonathan's, Katya, Maya-san, Minami Alps, school, TSUTAYA
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