Monthly Archives: May 2011

January 3, 2007, Last day in Sanya, China

It was the last day for us to stay together. I was scheduled to fly to Shanghai, and subsequently to Narita on that day. Katya was staying one more day in Sanya.  The next day, she would fly to Beijing, stay one night there, and fly to Vladivostok. We walked around the town and left at the airport. Katya was planning to come to Japan in April to start learning Japanese in a Japanese school in Kofu. I was busy preparing many bureaucratic forms to get a student visa for her, which was more complicated than the tourist visa to Japan the year before. I did not feel too sad … Continue reading

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January 2, 2007 in Sanya, China

We went to the town to rent bicycles. The price was much lower than renting at Holiday Inn.  We rent funny bikes. The downtown is on the beach, and many rivers run through it. We enjoyed riding downtown.  There were many hotels, and good coffee shops and restaurants were easy to find in them. We stayed in town till it got dark. This was the last evening in Sanya for two of us. We went out on the beach to have a bottle of wine with cheese.

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New Year’s Day, 2007 in Sanya, China

New Year’s Day was a fine day as usual in China.  We went to the beach in front of Holiday Inn. Everybody must have stayed up late; the beach was empty. We had lunch at the coffee shop by the beach and walked by it. We headed for Nanwan Monkey Island taking a cable car. At the entrance, a big statue of philosopher welcomed us. The island was literally full of monkeys. All the monkeys live outside.  Visitors can freely see them live. It was a paradise for monkeys.  We found a swimming pool for them. After dinner, we rent bicycles at the hotel.  Katya had not been riding it … Continue reading

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New Year’s Eve, 2006 in Sanya, China

Katya had recommended to stay by Yalong Bay, but I was not able to find a hotel to stay in for 5 days running.  So we stayed at a different hotel on December 29 and 30. On December 31, we moved to a different hotel, “Holiday Inn Resort, Yalong Bay, Sanya” to celebrate the New Year to come. I have stayed in Holiday Inns many times, and this hotel is the biggest and the best among Holiday Inns even now. We walked by the river. Many new apartment were seen.  There must be more now. There were many Russians in Sanya.  Katya, by the way people talked, found out many … Continue reading

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December 30, 2006 in Sanya, China

I started writing about our holiday in Sanya on March 10, which was interrupted by the earthquake the next day.  I restart it. The first day was tiring; Katya arrived in Sanya from Vladivostok and I from Kofu. The next day, December 30, we woke up late and  went to the park, “End of the world“.  It was a good touristic place but with very few foreigners. The ocean was beautiful.  Some touristic attractions, too, mainly for Chinese people. like souvenir shopping and eating out.  Katya and I tried a motor-boat ride. Chinese people call Sanya, “Hawaii in China”.  Yes, if you chose “Hawaii” in China, this must be the … Continue reading

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New Computer

We have much rain these days.  Today, it rained this evening. Katya’s roses are growing.  She makes ornaments out of the flowers. I brought a new laptop computer for my job.  The left one is our newest, and the right one, the newest for the job. I was asked to give a lecture on June 3, so that will be the first time to use it for my job.

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Student’s visit and evening tennis

At 8 AM, in front of the entrance of the institute, I met a student from Fukui prefecture, who took a train from Fukui to Kyoto for 1.5 hours and a night bus successively to Kofu for seven hours!  He only took a couple-of-hour sleep. He is a senior in a university in Fukui, who is willing to study in Kofu after his graduation next March.  He came to see the institute. He could be my student next year. I showed him the facilities, let him talk with students, and had a lunch together.  Then he walked back to Kofu station.  I hope he did not miss the train to … Continue reading

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On the Beach

When I was a kid, I liked science fictions.   I also read introductory books on science fictions. “On the Beach” was one of the stories.  I have had no chance to read it. On Sunday, I happened to find the DVD.   I saw the movie. It is a story about the world in 1964 after the atomic war, WW III.  People live only in the Southern Hemisphere. They keep the civilization and lived normally and quietly until the last moment. No physical damage was shown in the film.  Radiation was only indicated by a meter. It was a quiet movie.

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Recruiting a student

In Japan, university students normally look for jobs in the final year of their academia.  If they find ones, they start working in April.  If they can not find their jobs in the final year, they will be in trouble: normally they stay in school for one more year for the occasion next year. I am taking care of one Ph.D student, who is graduating next March.  Therefore, he is looking for a working position now. He wanted to work for a car company, but because of the earthquake, car companies stopped hiring new workers.  Moreover, the job situation in general became very bad. Director of our institute is a … Continue reading

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Nishizawa Valley

In the afternoon, Katya drove Maya-san and me to Nishizawa Valley near Kofu by smart. When we left our apartment, it started raining, but still very lightly. When we got to the valley, the rain became heavier. It rained harder and harder. It could have been the heaviest rain this year. Unfortunately, right from the entrance, we had to go back to our apartment. After coming back to our apartment, the rain got weaker and eventually stopped. We took some rest and went to the TSUTAYA video shop to rent DVD’s. I rent”Falling in Love” and “On the Beach“.  I bought a tennis magazine, “Smash“, too. On the way back … Continue reading

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