Proposal and article submitted

In the morning, I was nervously checking the proposal; today is the last day for submission.  One minute before noon, the very dead line, I submitted the proposal online.

I am still nervous whether I submitted the right file. What if I had sent the wrong one?  Everything I did with the other members would be ruined.

In the afternoon, I changed my mind and worked on the article for the book.  I finished it, too.  I sent it to the publisher at 7 PM.

Katya came to the office to pick me up for the tennis lesson.  Only four students participated today, so we had an intense lesson.  Katya became good at volleys.

I was thinking I would be happy after the submissions, but I am still worried about the proposal.

About Muravej

Hello! I am a scientist running apartments in Tokyo and Yokohama. If you are willing to live in Japan, please get in touch.
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