Katya’s Interest at the moment

I am working on the schedules and budgets and a small piece of paper.

At 2 PM, I showed two professors from USA around the lab.  From 3 to 5 PM, they had lectures.

When I came back home, Katya was with Maya-san and a laptop. She is so interested in tablets.  I was surprised because I was thinking Katya is a person who is not attracted to those electronic devices; so was she herself.

Today, while she was not working, she went to Yamada electronic shop.  She said Apple and Toshiba interest her.

I do not think she needs one, but it seems she is having fun (?).

About Muravej

Hello! I am a scientist running apartments in Tokyo and Yokohama. If you are willing to live in Japan, please get in touch.
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2 Responses to Katya’s Interest at the moment

  1. AdelaideBen says:

    There goes your together time!…. I’ve been thinking getting an iPad, but I know if we do we’ll just be spending all our time on it. Ok… perhaps not all… I suspect the baby will be front and centre in our thoughts. Now that I think about it, that could be the end of my on-line life altogether! ?;-0

  2. Muravej says:

    Katya has bought an iPad! She is so happy with it.
    I am looking forward to meeting your new baby on the web.

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