The last day of the winter holidays

I received nearly 100 new-year cards.

Since I was having fun with Katya in Tokyo, I did not have time to answer to them. So I devoted myself to writing them back from the morning.

After the writing for hours, in order to have a rest, I took Maya-san to Takeda shrine. The parking lots were so full, and the cars were waiting on the road for the parking.

Even on the third of January, people still came for the worship of the year.

They were standing and waiting at the entrance for the worship.

I am not religious and normally try to avoid formalism, so I did not enter the shrine.

In the evening, we went to Manpuku Roh for dinner.


The meals were good as usual.

After coming back home, katya and I watched a comedy show “Never laugh in this police station“. Since Katya found some Japanese comedy shows interesting, I will try to find some other DVDs.

While watching the DVDs, I finished writing the remaining new-year cards, which is a duty.

About Muravej

Hello! I am a scientist running apartments in Tokyo and Yokohama. If you are willing to live in Japan, please get in touch.
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