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- Andrew on Aquariums
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- AdelaideBen on Preparing all day for the presentation
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- AdelaideBen on Lazy second day in Hatsushima
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- Sonia Sharmin on Happy Birthday, Mariya, on the One-month Old Birthday
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- AdelaideBen on Welcome home, Mariya
Tag Archives: France
Seminar and meeting in Tokyo
I continued copying and pasting. At 2 AM, a mail arrived from a Mexican friend working for a French university; he invited me to the defense of his Chinese PhD student, and the date of defense was decided on September 18th. So I will visit France in September. I finished the report at 4 AM. I uploaded the file to a free storage site and sent the url to the governmental institute asking to download it to check. I came back home, took Maya-san for a morning walk, and left for Tokyo for a seminar of a graphic software I am using. I slept in the train. I got off … Continue reading
Posted in Apartment, Daily life, Maya-san, Real estate business, Restaurant, Science and Technology, teaching, Trip
Tagged apartment, Chinese, defense, France, friend, Hamamatsu-cho, Honan-cho, Kobe Rampu-tei, mail, Maya-san, meeting, Mexican, Mielparque Tokyo, NakaochiaiKofu, PhD, real-estate managing company, seminar, Starbucks, student, Tokyo, train, university, walk, Zojo-ji
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Another Monday
I received an e-mail from a person in the governmental office in charge of my project, telling me that they had received my answer sheet. It will be passed to the judges on the 27th. Another e-mail arrived from a friend of mine in France with a paper attached; a Chinese student of his lab did the job in our institute while he was here and wrote the paper. I will check it soon. In the afternoon, I taught a class. Another e-mails and another jobs not accomplished last week. Typical Monday.
Posted in Daily life, Science and Technology, teaching
Tagged answer sheet, Chinese student, class, e-mail, France, friend, governmental office, institute, judge, lab, paper, project
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Chinese student’s presentation
In the morning, the Chinese student working with me presented his results in front of teachers and students. He did a very good presentation. He is from the mainland China, but received his master’s in France. Then he worked for two years in the US, and now is back in France again for his Ph. D. Today, I received all his data. Probably, adding some more data, we can write a paper.
Posted in Daily life, Science and Technology, teaching
Tagged China, Chinese, data, France, paper, Ph. D, presentation, student, teacher, US
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Curry party
In the morning, I brought a full pot of curry to the institute’s dining room by mini, and put it in the refrigerator. After my English lesson, I started a curry party in the dining room. I invited nine students, including the Chinese student from France, and one young researcher not yet married. I had asked students to buy some drinks and nan at New Mahal. The party started after 6:30 PM. It was a pleasant dinner with a lot of conversation. They seemed to enjoyed the curry. It is a pity I forgot to take pictures. Maybe I will make them chili in winter.
Posted in cooking, Daily life, Liesure, Restaurant, teaching
Tagged chili, Chinese, curry, dinner, English, France, institute, lesson, mini, New Mahal, party, researcher, student
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Back to Kofu from Hachioji
I woke up to see outside from the hotel, which was not very beautiful. I took a light breakfast and left the hotel in Hachioji. I took an express train to Kofu. After arriving at the apartment, I went out to see the Chinese student from France at the dorm. He was OK. It seems that the jet lag does not affect him very much. He gave me souvenirs. I will see him on Monday. Then I was working in my office.
Posted in Daily life, Science and Technology, Trip
Tagged apartment, Chinese, France, Hachioji, hotel, Kofu, office, souvenir, student, train
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Saturday Meeting and Afternoon Hospital
We have students’ presentations once a month on Saturday in our institute. Today was the day. It started at 9 AM and ended at 11:45 AM. For the final talk, a German student now staying here showed what he had accomplished in his university in Denmark. It was very interesting. In June, I am receiving a Chinese student from France. World has become small. In the afternoon, I went to see an ophthalmologist to buy my lenses. I washed and drove my mini after a long while. It was fun. The lenses were not available, so I will go and get them next week. Then I worked till 7 PM and came back … Continue reading
Posted in Daily life, Science and Technology, teaching
Tagged Chinese, France, institute, mini, presentation, student, university
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Macarons and Chinese Restaurant
Katya and I had a quick lunch together at Starbucks. I found a pack of two small macarons. I will check the taste of macarons in France next time. For diner, we went to a Chinese restaurant, Mampuku Roh, on Takeda street. It is close to the university. Katya had never been there. The prices are reasonable and students like to go to there. The tastes acceptable. We would go there sometimes.
Posted in Daily life, Katya, Restaurant
Tagged Chinese, France, Katya, macaron, restaurant, Starbucks
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French story continues
One of the researchers I saw in Poitiers, France, came to the conference in Niigata. He worked in our institute for one year, so I know him very well. We had a good dinner with the Mexican professor in Niigata. Today, he came to our institute to say hello to his old colleagues and students. So within two weeks, we met each other in Poitiers, Niigata, and Kofu. At 2 PM, he left for Narita Airport by bus. We will see each other somewhere on the earth again.
Posted in Daily life, Science and Technology, teaching
Tagged colleague, conference, France, institute, Kofu, Narita, Niigata, Poitiers, professor, researcher, student
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Business Trip to Niigata
There is a conference in Niigata. I woke up at 4 AM, went to my office, and took mini to a hotel in Niigata. I took a rest at Yoneyama parking area. When I got our from the car, I felt heat! The temperature must have been higher than 30 degree C. I took a rice bowl of tuna and salmon eggs for brunch. I arrived at the hotel, ANA Crown Plaza Niigata, at 12:30 PM. After I took a shower, I walked to the conference site. Mexican professor in University of Poitiers was there in the lecture hall, chairing the session. So in a couple of days, we … Continue reading
Posted in Daily life, Liesure, Science and Technology, Trip
Tagged conference, dinner, France, hotel, lecture, mini, Niigata, office, Poitiers, poster, professor, university
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