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apartment Chinese company conference dinner earthquake English graduation Gusto holiday hotel institute instrument Katya Kofu Kofu station Kyoto lecture Mariya Maya-san meeting mini Natalia office paper parents party presentation professor project research researcher restaurant school Shimosuwa smart student teacher Tennis Tokube Tokyo trip university Vladivostok walkRecent Comments
- Muravej on Aquariums
- Andrew on Aquariums
- Muravej on Preparing all day for the presentation
- AdelaideBen on Preparing all day for the presentation
- Muravej on Lazy second day in Hatsushima
- AdelaideBen on Lazy second day in Hatsushima
- Muravej on Happy Birthday, Mariya, on the One-month Old Birthday
- Sonia Sharmin on Happy Birthday, Mariya, on the One-month Old Birthday
- Muravej on Welcome home, Mariya
- AdelaideBen on Welcome home, Mariya
Tag Archives: meeting
Preparing for the meeting on Friday
For my scientific project, I am holding general meetings three times a year. The next meeting will be scheduled on this Friday in my institute; I started preparing for this. I checked the attendees. There will be nearly 30 people. Four officials are coming from a government organization. To all of them, I have sent the schedules. I have also sent the report I prepared last week. I planned the arrangement of the room, and I rechecked the party after the meeting. I hope that everything goes well on Friday.
Posted in Daily life, Science and Technology
Tagged attendee, government organization, institute, meeting, official, party, project, report, schedule
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Seminar and meeting in Tokyo
I continued copying and pasting. At 2 AM, a mail arrived from a Mexican friend working for a French university; he invited me to the defense of his Chinese PhD student, and the date of defense was decided on September 18th. So I will visit France in September. I finished the report at 4 AM. I uploaded the file to a free storage site and sent the url to the governmental institute asking to download it to check. I came back home, took Maya-san for a morning walk, and left for Tokyo for a seminar of a graphic software I am using. I slept in the train. I got off … Continue reading
Posted in Apartment, Daily life, Maya-san, Real estate business, Restaurant, Science and Technology, teaching, Trip
Tagged apartment, Chinese, defense, France, friend, Hamamatsu-cho, Honan-cho, Kobe Rampu-tei, mail, Maya-san, meeting, Mexican, Mielparque Tokyo, NakaochiaiKofu, PhD, real-estate managing company, seminar, Starbucks, student, Tokyo, train, university, walk, Zojo-ji
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Meeting at Tokyo University of Science at Kagurazaka
I went to Tokyo University of Science at Kagurazaka for two meetings, an awards ceremony, a lecture, and a party of a scientific society I am joining. I went up to the 17th floor. I am an official of the society. I had recommended a professor for the society prize, which he received. So I went to see him awarded and giving a lecture. After his lecture, there was a small party. I congratulated him on his award. He was happy. After coming back to Kofu, I saw booths of wineries in front of the station. Many people were enjoying wines and foods. Tasting would have been fun if I … Continue reading
Posted in Daily life, Science and Technology, Trip
Tagged awards ceremony, Kagurazaka, Kofu, lecture, meeting, official, party, prize, professor, society, Tokyo University of Science, winery
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iPhone and bottles
I was busy today with two lectures. In the evening, I was running out for a meeting. I jumped and broke my iPhone 5 I bought with Katya last December. I did not know that the screen was so fragile. Other than the screen, it worked, but I need to replace it to a new one, anyway. I got shocked. After I came back home, we had deliveries. BODY SHOP bottles from the director of our institute, for whom we held a party for his awards. Wines I bought at “Tomi no Oka” on Sunday. I am looking forward to trying them.
Posted in Apartment, Daily life, Katya, Not classified, Shops
Tagged BODY SHOP, director, institute, iPhone 5, Katya, lecture, meeting, Tomi no Oka, wine
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Trip to Hatsushima schedules during the weekend
In the morning, the mailing system was still down. Therefore, I used telephones and my private mailing address for the communication. Fortunately, the mailing system recovered in the afternoon. I suddenly got busy I kept working on preparing my presentation scheduled in Shimosuwa tomorrow evening. I finished the abstract and have sent it to the organizer of the meeting. Tomorrow, everyone in the family, Katya, Maya-san, Mariya, and me, will go and stay at my parents’ in Shimosuwa. Then we go on to a two-night trip to Hatsushima, our favorite island. It will be the first long trip for Mariya, who will see the ocean.
Posted in Daily life, Katya, Liesure, Mariya, Maya-san, Science and Technology, Trip
Tagged abstract, Hatsushima, Katya, mailing system, Mariya, Maya-san, meeting, organizer, parents, presentation, Shimosuwa, telephone
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Kobe, Kawasaki, Shinjuku
I checked out “Sun Members Kobe” in the morning. I took breakfast at UESHIMA coffee shop located under the monorail station in Sannomiya. After taking a monorail, I arrived at the conference center at 9:30 AM. I gave a 20-minute talk from 10:20 AM and quickly left the conference hall and took a monorail back to Sannomiya. From Osaka, I took a plane back again to Haneda. There were vacant seats inside. After arriving at Haneda Airport, I moved to Kawasaki for a research report meeting of our institute. After the meeting in Kawasaki, I headed for Shinjuku this time for a real-estate meeting. After the meeting in Shinjuku, I … Continue reading
Posted in Daily life, Real estate business, Science and Technology, Trip
Tagged conference, conference center, Haneda, Haneda Airport, institute, Kawasaki, Kofu, Kofu station, meeting, monorail, Osaka, real-estate meeting, research, Sannomiya, Shinjuku, station, Sun Members Kobe, UESHIMA coffee shop
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Business trip to Yokohama and Tokyo
In the morning, I went to Myorenji in Yokohama to check the apartment building. The building was well taken care of. I had a talk with a guy from the managing company about the care in the future. I was to see a professor in Keio University in Hiyoshi. Before the meeting, I went to Motosumiyoshi, where I had lived for two years. It is an old town. The road was neatly changed, but the streets and stores looked still old. After having lunch in Motosumiyoshi, I went to the laboratory in Keio Univeristy to discuss my project with a professor until 2 PM. Then I took trains to Honancho to … Continue reading
Posted in Apartment, Daily life, Mariya, Real estate business, Trip
Tagged apartment building, Hiyoshi, Honancho, Keio University, laboratory, managing company, meeting, Motosumiyoshi, Myorenji, professor, project, real estate, Yokohama
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Real estate meeting in Tokyo
It is Saturday today. There was an annual meeting of the owners of the Shibakoen apartment. It started in Shinjuku at 1 PM. We discussed the reduction of the managing costs of the building. It ended at 2:30 PM. I managed to take an express to Kofu leaving at 3 PM. I arrived at Kofu station at 4:30 PM. I walked to the institute for working.
Posted in Apartment, Daily life, Real estate business, Trip
Tagged apartment, Kofu, Kofu station, meeting, office, owner, Shibakoen, Shinjuku
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First day of the trip to Ito, Izu peninsula
It is Saturday today. In the morning, I was attending a meeting, in which our master-grade students presented their research results obtained in half a year, while Katya took Maya-san to Shimosuwa by Smart. She left Maya-san to my parents and drove back home. We met at our apartment and left together for Ito city in Izu peninsula. On the way to Ito, we first dropped by the central post office in Kofu to receive the doughnuts, which had delivered home while we were out. Then we drove all the way to Hotel Ito Powell, an old hotel by the sea. We arrived at 5 PM. The room on the … Continue reading
Posted in Daily life, Katya, Liesure, Maya-san, Restaurant, Trip
Tagged apartment, Hotel Ito Powell, Ito, Izu peninsula, Katya, Kofu, Maya-san, meeting, parents, research, Shimosuwa, students
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Kawasaki and Doughnuts
I went to Muza Kawasaki in Kawasaki for a scientific meeting. The meeting started at 2 PM and ended at 6 PM. From Kawasaki, I took trains to Shinjuku station, where I took an express train to Kofu. At Shinjuku station, I bought doughnuts for Katya. The price was 990 yen for four, so they should be good. As my presentation went well, I took a can of beer on the train and got relaxed. On the way back home, Katya and Maya-san came to see me. Then, I realized that I left my doughnuts in the train! I called to the lost-and-found. They found them. I will go to Kofu … Continue reading
Posted in Daily life, Katya, Maya-san, Science and Technology, Trip
Tagged Katya, Kawasaki, Kofu, Kofu station, Maya-san, meeting, Muza Kawasaki, presentation, Shinjuku Station