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apartment Chinese company conference dinner earthquake English graduation Gusto holiday hotel institute instrument Katya Kofu Kofu station Kyoto lecture Mariya Maya-san meeting mini Natalia office paper parents party presentation professor project research researcher restaurant school Shimosuwa smart student teacher Tennis Tokube Tokyo trip university Vladivostok walkRecent Comments
- Muravej on Aquariums
- Andrew on Aquariums
- Muravej on Preparing all day for the presentation
- AdelaideBen on Preparing all day for the presentation
- Muravej on Lazy second day in Hatsushima
- AdelaideBen on Lazy second day in Hatsushima
- Muravej on Happy Birthday, Mariya, on the One-month Old Birthday
- Sonia Sharmin on Happy Birthday, Mariya, on the One-month Old Birthday
- Muravej on Welcome home, Mariya
- AdelaideBen on Welcome home, Mariya
Tag Archives: parents
Mariya’s birthday party
Mariya’s birthday was October 15, but today, Saturday, I invited my parents to have a birthday party with them . I saw my parents at Kofu station at 1 PM and took them to our apartment. I quickly went to a Chinese restaurant, Manpuku Roh, to take out dinner. The taste was OK. Then all of us went out for Takeda Shrine. A cameraman was waiting for us to take pictures of us in a small park nearby. After taking photos, I took my parents back to Kofu station. My mother will come to visit us for helping us with moving out from the apartment after my visit to … Continue reading
Posted in Apartment, Daily life, Liesure, Mariya, Restaurant
Tagged apartment, birthday, birthday party, Chinese restaurant, dinner, Kofu station, Manpuku Roh, Mariya, mother, parents, San Francisco, Takeda Shrine
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Mariya crawls
Mariya is getting good at crawling. Katya showed her on skype to her parents using iPhone. She came and bit the string attached to my camera. She likes strings and cords these days.
Posted in Daily life, Katya, Mariya
Tagged camera, iPhone, Katya, Mariya, parents, skype
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After holidays
Today’s Tuesday. School started. I have two classes on Tuesday, so I did not go back for lunch. When I was back home in the evening, Mariya was playing with Anpanman my parents gave her. He is made so as to right himself when knocked over, but Mariya does not play with him this way yet. These days, Mariya is interested in Maya-san, too.
Back with Maya-san to Kofu
Today is Greenery Day. I wanted to get up late, but woke up at 5 AM because of the paper screen used in the room, which let the sun light in. I had breakfast with my parents. Katya decided not to come because of Mariya being tired after the trip. With Maya-san, I drove by Lake Suwa. On the way, I dropped by a rest area “Shinshu Tsutakijuku“. I took a bowl of Soba noodle. There was a small garden behind. On the riverside, people were camping. Maya-san is a hole digger. I bought a bottle of apple juice, a cheese cake, and blueberry jam for Katya. After … Continue reading
Posted in Apartment, cooking, Daily life, Katya, Liesure, Mariya, Maya-san, Restaurant, Shops, Trip
Tagged Greenery Day, Katya, Lake Suwa, Mariya, Maya-san, parents, Shinshu Tsutakijuku
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Back from Odaiba
We checked out the hotel around 11 AM after having breakfast. With all the goods bought in Odaiba packed in, I started driving Smart with Katya and Mariya on the back seat. We took a highway through downtown Tokyo. The traffic was smooth. The sky was blue. Today is Constitution Day, a holiday. Traffic jams from Tokyo were expected. Therefore, after driving through downtown, we got off Chuo Freeway at Inagi to avoid a jam. I found a newly-opened convenience store, Lawson, so I decided to take a break there. Ponta, the Lawson mascot, was helping the opening of the store. I took a coffee, Mariya got surrounded by toys, … Continue reading
Posted in Apartment, Daily life, Katya, Liesure, Mariya, Maya-san, Trip
Tagged apartment, Chuo Freeway, Constitution Day, Hatsukari Parking Area, holiday, hotel, Inagi, Katya, Lawson, Mariya, Odaiba, parents, Ponta, Shimosuwa, Tokyo
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Getting ready for a trip in Tokyo
We are planning to spend two nights in Tokyo from tomorrow. So we were preparing for the trip. In the afternoon, I went back to my apartment from the institute; my parents from Shimosuwa were already at ours. They came to take care of Mariya for a couple of hours for Katya, then to take Maya-san to theirs during our stay in Tokyo. We saw them off, and I took mini to the optician’s to get my disposable contact lens. Actually, I found the hospital closed on the Tuesday afternoon when I got there, but driving mini was fun as usual, anyway. For the lens, I will used the old one … Continue reading
Last day in Hatsushima
We had breakfast in Oceano. I first went to the restaurant alone and finished mine, while Katya was taking care of Mariya in the room. Then, Katya took her turn and I was playing with Mariya. Mariya has been a very good girl during the trip. We took a boat, Isle de Vacances III, from Hatsushima to Atami, leaving at 11:10 AM. From Atami, we drove to our apartment in Kofu. I left Katya and Mariya at our apartment, and drove alone to my parents’ in Shimosuwa taking the Chuo Freeway. At our parents, I saw Maya-san; she was happily came to kiss me as usual. Although she enjoys being with … Continue reading
Posted in Daily life, Katya, Liesure, Mariya, Maya-san, Restaurant, Trip
Tagged apartment, Atami, boat, Chuo Freeway, Hatsushima, hotel, Katya, Kofu, Mariya, Maya-san, Oceano, parents, restaurant, Shimosuwa, trip
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Labor Thanksgiving Day in 2012 in Hatsushima island
Today is Labor Thanksgiving Day, a holiday. From Shimosuwa, without Maya-san who stayed with my parents, we drove to Atami. It has become the first long trip for Mariya. It rained on and off on the way. From Atami port, we took a boat, Isle de Vacance III. We sat in the special area in the very front of the boat. The boat arrived at 4:30 PM to the island. It was already getting darker. A shuttle bus took us to a hotel, Grand XIV Hatsushima Club. The room was assigned on the sixth floor. From 6:30 PM, we had dinner at an Italian restaurant, Porto. Mariya was with us, … Continue reading
Posted in Daily life, Katya, Liesure, Mariya, Maya-san, Restaurant, Trip
Tagged Atami, Atami port, boat, Christmas, dinner, Filare, GRAND XIV Hatsushima Club, holiday, hotel, Iron Chef, Isle de Vacance III, Italian restaurant, Labor Thanksgiving Day, lounge, Mariya, Maya-san, parents, Porto, Shimosuwa, trip, TV
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Seminar in Shimosuwa
Katya, Mariya, Maya-san and I left our apartment for Shimosuwa at 4:30 PM. Katya drove me to Shimosuwa Production Support Center directly for my talk. She then went to my parents’, left Maya-san, and, with Mariya, went to see her Ukrainian friend living in Shimosuwa. In the seminar, eleven people came to listen to me, who were managers and engineers of small industrial companies in/around Shimosuwa. They wanted to have some hints of the business in the near future. My talk started at 6:30 and ended at 8:30 PM, with many questions. It seemed that they had understood me. The director asked a visit of some of the members to our institute … Continue reading
Trip to Hatsushima schedules during the weekend
In the morning, the mailing system was still down. Therefore, I used telephones and my private mailing address for the communication. Fortunately, the mailing system recovered in the afternoon. I suddenly got busy I kept working on preparing my presentation scheduled in Shimosuwa tomorrow evening. I finished the abstract and have sent it to the organizer of the meeting. Tomorrow, everyone in the family, Katya, Maya-san, Mariya, and me, will go and stay at my parents’ in Shimosuwa. Then we go on to a two-night trip to Hatsushima, our favorite island. It will be the first long trip for Mariya, who will see the ocean.
Posted in Daily life, Katya, Liesure, Mariya, Maya-san, Science and Technology, Trip
Tagged abstract, Hatsushima, Katya, mailing system, Mariya, Maya-san, meeting, organizer, parents, presentation, Shimosuwa, telephone
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