Tag Archives: proposal

Driving back to Kofu

The government asked me to prepare budget plan for the new project.  The deadline was set September 26.  We have very limited time. The reason we have only two weeks is because of the earthquake; the submission of the proposal was extended for one month, but the projects start on October 1 as usual. The sub leader of the project, a researcher working for a company, suggested me to meet at 2 PM in Kofu, which I agreed. I woke up at 6 AM this morning, but it was too early. I slept again and woke up at 8:30 AM! Too late for the departure. I took a shower, had … Continue reading

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Millionaire in France

The plane left Narita at 10 PM just for Paris. In the plane, I was practicing French grammar using a small textbook I used during my university days. We arrived at Charles de Gaulle Airport at 4 AM.  The temperature became lowered to 16 degree C; I had to change my shorts to jeans.    No shops were open then.  The students were tired and hungry. At 6 AM, shops started to open, and I bought quiches for them, the first quiches in their lives. The TGV left the airport at 7:40 AM for Bordeaux. Students fell asleep. On the way to Poitiers, I received a call from Japan from a … Continue reading

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A big meeing tomorrow

I am preparing for the presentation tomorrow with the proposal group. I see professors at 1 AM in Tokyo and the meeting starts at 2:30 PM. I need to work out during the night time, too.

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Preparing for the oral presentation all day

In the morning, I was preparing for the PowerPoint file for the oral presentation of  my final examination of the proposal. In the afternoon, seven people came to our institute from a major automobile company, with whom I will work with for the project.  We had a scientific meeting together.  I carried out a short presentation, too. We had a small party after the meeting and exchanged some ideas.

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Preparing the oral presentation for the project

I submitted my proposal of a scientific project in May. The document has gone through the first screening, and the second/final examination will be held in August. This morning, me, or the leader, and the sub leader from a company talked about the oral presentation. The presentation lasts only 10 minutes, so we need to be very careful. We need to prepare for the questions, too. On 27th of this month, researchers form three universities and five companies get together in Tokyo to talk about the presentation over the PowerPoint material we will make tomorrow.

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Meeting all evening

We are trying to do some change in the system of our university. For that, we need money. We are trying to get some fund from MEXT, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. We need to write a proposal. Six professors including me are working on the project. From the early morning till 3PM, I was writing my part. From 3:30 PM to 9:30 PM, we were checking each part of the proposal. Unfortunately, I had no time for lunch. I was asked to modify my part, so I will do it tomorrow. I came back home about 10 PM. Katya gave me a big dinner, which was a … Continue reading

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SmartForFour ready on Saturday, presentation on August 22

I received a phone call from Yanase Kofu. The cause of the leakage was found and repaired. A dead fog lamp was replaced. The outlet of the air conditioner was replaced. It costs 24,000 yen; not cheap but less expensive than I expected. Our SmartForFour will come back on Saturday. After the call, I received another call. It was from a governmental office. My proposal was accepted for the final stage.  I will make an oral presentation on August 22.  Then, they decide whether to give us money. I felt more relieved than happy.

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Tom Yam Kung returns

In the morning, we had a meeting of four people from our institute including me, four from other university, and one from a company to discuss about our proposal. I received an e-mail telling my proposal had been received and that they will let us know the results of the first stage after July 11.  If the proposal passes the first stage, the presentation waits for us in the end of August. We discussed in advance what we should do before July 11, preparing for the presentation in August. This evening, Katya made Tom Yam Kung.  We had it in New Mahal yesterday, but the taste was modified.  She made … Continue reading

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Internet Surfing

Today is Tuesday, when I have two classes to teach.  The one in the morning is for graduate students, and the other in the afternoon, for sophomores. At three o’clock, I had a meeting with company peoples about buying a new instrument.  At five o’clock, I talked with researchers about our new project based on the proposal. After dinner, I was writing a post for the blog, and Katya was netsurfing. Katya used to check about tennis tournaments.  She is a fan of Nadal, but since he is not playing well these days, Katya stopped searching about tennis, avoiding potential bad news about him.  Katya is now checking dachshund sites.

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Maya-san on the lap

One day after the submission, I felt more relaxed, thinking I probably had submitted the right file.  And somehow, I started to feel confident that the proposal is a good one with the corporation of many good researchers. In the morning, students and staffs joined a lab presentation by the Ph.D students.  In the afternoon, I was working in my office. After dinner, Katya, Maya-san, and I went out for a walk.  After the walk, Maya-san came on my lap and started licking my hand. It was generous of her. However, since I wanted to use the computer, I asked her to leave.

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